Trinbago Team Guide

Interview Tips

As a Team Scotland athlete competing at Trinbago 2023, journalists will be interested in speaking to you about your selection and hopes pre-Games, your experience at the Games and your reflections on your performance after you finish competing. You might be asked to do an interview in person, over the phone or by video call.

We’ve put together some tips to help you present yourself in the best way, prepare for any difficult questions you might be asked and make sure you say what you want to say in an interview.

Media at the Games

The media arrangements at a Commonwealth Youth Games might be quite different to what you have experienced at single sport events. Your media officer is there to help you with any questions or concerns you might have and to help you manage the media so you can focus on performing at your best.

Who to Expect

You might be asked to speak to a number of different types of media at the Games. This is most like to happen in the mixed zone, but may be at other times for example for preview content or if you’ve done particularly well.

You might be asked to speak to:

* Local TV, radio and newspaper journalists

* Games News Service

* Team Scotland media officers

Mixed Zones

The mixed zone is an area set aside at each competition venue where media are permitted to talk to athletes immediately after they finish their event.

All athletes must go through the mixed zone after each match or round of their competition. You do not have to stop and speak to journalists if you don’t want to, but we would encourage you to do so if you are asked to speak.

Mixed zones at the Youth Games tend to be slightly more informal than at senior Games. Your media officer or sport team manager will guide you through whenever possible.

Interview Checklist

If you’re asked to do an interview, it might be obvious what form it will take e.g. a journalist is standing with a camera operator in the post-competition mixed zone. If a journalist approaches you in another way, maybe online, or asks for an interview in a few days time it’s good practice to find out as much as you can so you can be well prepared.

Once you’ve found out as much as you can, let your media officer know so they can help you make arrangements and prepare.

  • Find out who will be conducting the interview, which organisation they are with and where the interview will appear
  • Ask if the interview will be in person, via video call or by phone
  • Is it a video interview for TV / online, an audio recording for radio / podcast or a written piece for a newspaper, magazine or website?
  • If it’s a video or audio interview, will you be speaking live or will it be pre-recorded?
  • If it’s an in person interview for a written piece, will they also be brining a photographer?

Top Tips


DO participate positively in media activity when requested and wearing team kit​

DO take your time, think about what you want to say in advance and be prepared for questions you might be asked as you go through the mixed zone

DO be aware of any hot topics in your sport, current issues or other topics you may be asked about and decide in advance if you want to talk about them and, if so, what you will say​

DO direct any interview requests to the media officers, except in the mixed zone​

DO be yourself and remember you are the expert in your story and your sport

DO promote a positive image of Team Scotland and remember to thank our hosts Trinidad and Tobago

DO stay professional, even if you’re disappointed


DON’T start an interview if you’re feeling very emotional (good or bad). It’s OK to take a few minutes to collect yourself and your thoughts before speaking. Your media officer will help you with this in the mixed zone

DON’T comment on other athletes, teams or Games issues

DON’T give media from home your mobile number so you’re not disturbed during the Games, refer them to the media officer instead​

DON’T criticise the Games, the hosts, the officials or your opponents, even if you’re frustrated

DON’T forget to talk about how hard you’ve trained, any setbacks you’ve overcome, recognise help from coaches and family and your hopes for the future (e.g. future Commonwealth Games)

DON’T feel you need to answer the exact question asked. It’s fine to acknowledge the question and then redirect back to something you do want to talk about

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