Trinbago Team Guide


Travel to Trinidad and Tobago will involve multiple flights, with the time difference between Scotland and Trinidad and Tobago being 5 hours.

Travel is often tiring and can have an effect on the body so here are some tips to help you optimise your recovery during and after travelling to help you perform at your best at the Games.


It is important to ensure you have everything you need in your hand luggage. This includes your medications but it’s important to consider carrying equipment needed for competing e.g. boots, mouthguard etc.

You will be supplied with flight socks and we encourage you wear these. You may wish to put these on just prior to getting on the flight. You will be required to travel in Team Scotland kit but you should choose clothes that you are comfortable in for travelling and that are loose e.g. shorts/t-shirt.  You may also wish to consider bringing a neck pillow, ear plugs and headphones to use during the flight.

You should carry your hand gel with you and use this on the flight but please remember this is not a substitute for handwashing.

It is also recommended that you carry Vicks first defence nasal spray. This helps fight against common cold and flu viruses and should be used in conjunction with the six step handwashing technique to help reduce chances of illness.

On the Flight

Airplanes can have low humidity levels meaning they can make your nose, throat and skin feel dry. It is important that you adequately hydrate throughout the flight. There will be water available on request, but it is advisable to bring a reusable water bottle which can be filled prior to flight and refilled on the plane. Please remember the rules on liquid allowance through security. You should avoid too many caffeinated drinks prior to and during the flight.

In-Flight Exercises

It is important that during the flight you ensure you get regular exercise. You should try move your arms or legs every hour or so. Please see below an example of exercises to do during your flight.

Do each exercise for at least 30 seconds and repeat throughout the flight as able.

On Arrival

On arrival in Trinidad and Tobago you should seek bright light until it is bed time and aim to go to bed when it is dark and at your normal time for going to sleep. It can be difficult to stay awake but this will help your circadian rhythm (body clock) get back on track faster.


Using natural daylight is best way to increase your light exposure. You can also use the light in your room, including light from your phone and tablet.


Having a dark room to sleep in will help your body clock to adjust to its new bed time. Use sleep masks and the curtains in your room to help create a dark environment.

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